Date(s) - 07/10/2017 - 08/10/2017
All Day
Urban Wellness Hub
As taught by the Venerable Tibetan Lama, Zachoeje Rinpoche
to Dekyi-Lee Oldershaw
“These five simple exercises will make you feel young again.” Bernie S. Siegel, M.D.
“It’s easy. It’s fast. And it works! I love this program.” John Gray, Author of Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus
Regardless of your age or condition, if you can find 10 minutes a day to practice, you can use the 5 Tibetans as a simple, extremely efficient yoga routine that increases mental clarity, energy, flexibility, productivity, strength and general wellbeing. They are renowned to promote longevity for lamas in the Himalayas.
The simpler form was previously known as The 5 Rites of Rejuvenation, which is a good description! As the chakras spin faster the body becomes healthier and functions better. It will improve flexibility, mobility, energy and there have been innumerable reports of improvements in physical problems, even longstanding ones and reduced chronic pain. But the greatest impact, I believe, comes from the more positive outlook that regular practice engenders. In a nutshell, people are more empowered, motivated, happier and peaceful – regularly reporting that things that had previously upset them don’t bother them anymore. People often report effortless weight loss and less or no desire for unhealthy things – whether foods/alcohol or behaviours. When we commit to our 5 Tibetans, we seem to stop putting barriers in the road to our enlightenment and happiness.
The workshop encourages a full understanding of the basics and potential of this system. The full system combines intention, grounding, movement, breath, balancing the 5 elements, clearing and increasing rate of spin of the chakras (the faster they spin, the healthier we are,) & transforms lower, difficult energies & emotions to a higher expression.
Bookings are closed for this event.