Questions about Reiki and Elizabeth’s Courses
Q: If I do the course, can I use Reiki for other people?
A: Once you have attended a class and been attuned to Reiki I, you will be able to treat yourself, family, friends, pets and plants that very evening!
However, if you want to work with clients you will need to take the second course, Reiki II or ‘Okuden,’ as at that level you will learn deeper techniques and also be given symbols to work with. This is necessary, (along with insurance,) for working with the public, whether you are charging or not.
Q: I am interested in the Reiki. If things progressed well, I wondered what is the best way to progress to master level? Should I get that far, is doing the Reiki I, II and advanced the best way to go about it or is there another way?
A: You have many options as to how to proceed. Start with Reiki I and see how you feel! The time interval between Reiki I and II was traditionally a minimum of 3 months, however, I believe that when you are working with the Reiki energy daily, you will be guided to whatever is right for you! Some people are ready to do it much sooner, while others need longer before moving on. Leave at least 3 weeks, but other than that, there is no right way – only the way that feels right for you. If you feel the draw to go to the next level and get a sense of excitement about it, then move on.
You will need a minimum of 6 months however, between Reiki I and the Advanced Course, possibly much longer as it is quite a leap in intensity and there are a lot of new techniques to learn. If you are really drawn to Reiki and feel that you may like to go on and do the Masters eventually, it is even more pertinent to take all the time you need to fully absorb and assimilate the teachings and energy from each level before moving on. Ultimately, you will benefit much more from doing it that way. However, the thing is – you don’t really know how it will affect you till you have had the attunements, so we will always take note of what feels right for you at the time!
Advanced is an interim stage between Reiki II and the Masters.
Not everyone takes it, but I feel that it makes you a better practitioner and certainly a better teacher. Each level also gives us tools to work more deeply on our own healing as well. This is arguably the most important aspect of Reiki!
The earliest I would possibly suggest you might be ready for the Masters attunement is 1 year from when you had your Reiki I attunement. (The Master/Teacher attunement is performed towards the end of the Mastership programme, so if it begins in March, the attunement is usually given around July.)
Q: Can you tell me more about your courses? Do you have private courses?
A: Reiki I is the foundation course, it gives you the skills, knowledge and ability to transmit Reiki for your self, family, friends and pets. It is easy to learn and yet powerful and effective. For many people the principles and philosophy behind the practice make a lot of sense in all areas of life. Usually they are in Aberdeen, occasionally in Inverurie, but I teach all over the world.
I don’t do 1 to 1’s as you need someone other than me to practice on so I can continue to observe and teach you. While is may be more “comfortable” to be by yourself, you miss out on the opportunity to learn from other people’s questions – usually very interesting, and things you wouldn’t have thought to ask yourself. But I am happy to do private courses with 2 or more people. Certain subjects are possible to teach one to one, but not the Reiki I.
Also, although arriving in the morning to a course you haven’t attended before, with people you don’t know can be daunting, as the Reiki energy unfolds everyone relaxes and by the end of the day you have often made strong connections with the other participants. It can be very helpful to connect with other like minded people, from all walks of life. And it is usually the loveliest people who are drawn to Reiki. Many people have made lifelong friends with other course participants.
Q: Can I do Reiki I and II together?
A: I wouldn’t recommend doing them both together. My intention with all the attunements is that each person receives the greatest depth of healing available to them at that time, along with the appropriate opening of the Reiki channels. Therefore, you will move on spiritually and energetically as far as you can with each attunement.
You will receive as much from a good Reiki I attunement as you would from receiving I, II and Masters in one weekend. You can only safely move on as fast and as far as you are ready with each attunement. That is one reason it is important to have time to assimilate each level’s effects and energetic shifts before moving on to the next – you will get much more from it!
I like to find things out for myself, so a few years ago I let some people do I & II in the same weekend. Neither of them progressed as much as they would have done if they had even had 3 weeks between the attunements, and some people benefit from considerably longer. Don’t be fooled into thinking there is not much to it as Reiki can be done so easily – there is potential for huge, fundamental and transformational energetic shifts when handled correctly. Don’t take the “easy” route, your growth and development deserves more!
Q: Is there anything that I need to do to prepare myself for the course?
A: Some people choose to prepare for perhaps the week before by reducing exposure to anything that brings you down, i.e. energy/vibration lowering food, drink, places, people etc.!
You probably know already what brings you down – just make a little bit of an effort to avoid these things and increase the things you know are good for you, perhaps spending some time in nature, meditating, reading spiritual books, listening to uplifting music etc. It is really up to you what level to take your preparation to.
Some people do a 3 day or week long detox in preparation. The minimum preparation I would advise is to avoid alcohol the evening before and try to relax.
As a general rule, the more you put into something the more you will get out of it, however, Reiki is very forgiving and works in its own mysterious ways!
Q: I would like to do the Advanced but I haven’t done my case studies yet. Can I still do it?
A: Yes, you certainly aren’t the first person in that situation, and you surely won’t be the last!
The thing is; doing your case studies and your practical is very useful and helpful. However, that is a third dimensional reality. Getting the guidance that it is time for you to take the next step and move along on your spiritual path is a higher calling and more important to listen to. Believe me, I do understand the pressures and constraints of time!
Although I suggest that you have your case studies in within 6 months of your Reiki II class, I know that sometimes it just doesn’t happen. I don’t think you should let that stop you from taking a class that is going to raise your vibration further, inspire you with new and exciting techniques & ways of working for yourself and others and empower you in your practice.
By the time you do your case studies you will have much more confidence and a deeper level of skills to use with clients and your Reiki flow will be stronger and faster. (Do make the effort to do them later though – you will gain more confidence and learn a lot from the process!)
Q: I had my first Reiki treatment last year but I got nothing from it which was disappointing. The lady seemed inexperienced and nervous making me feel uncomfortable, I nearly asked her to stop. I believe she had completed a one day course but I’m not sure how much practice she had before my session.
A: Your email raises some interesting points. There are all kinds of training available. Some people just read books and think that they can then practice (without having received the attunements.) Others learn “by distance” on the internet. There are Masters who teach all 3 levels at once. Unfortunately some of these people then go on to teach others.
However, it may be that your therapist was just inexperienced. What I do to ensure good practice with my Reiki II students is have a one-to-one practical session following the class. I ask people to do case studies before their practical to ensure a basic level of experience. The case studies and practical session are designed to pick up on any areas where the person could do better and to therefore give them confidence in their ability to channel Reiki and to give successful sessions.
As the Reiki II certificate enables people to get insurance to practice Reiki professionally, it is important to have some kind of check to ensure an appropriate level of knowledge, understanding and practical ability. This system is designed to instil confidence in the practitioner and confidence in the public.
Q: What is the difference between empowerments and attunements?
A: “Empowerments” and “Attunements” are actually different ways of describing the same thing.
The attunement is the most important aspect of the Reiki course. My intention is always to use this powerful attunement process as an opportunity for everyone to receive the deepest healing available to them at that time, to enable them to live their life more in tune with their core essence and highest purpose, as well as being able to channel this wonderful Reiki energy.
Q: I just recently decided that I would like to understand my healing abilities more clearly, so I am able to heal myself and others properly.
Right now I am starting with the little things like my daily routines. I am signed up in tai chi, and yoga. It has been helping a lot, but I still have not been able to sit down and practice healing myself with my hands. I feel like since I have never been taught I may be making things worse. What do you think?
A: It sounds like it might be time for you to come to a Reiki class! I have consciously been on my spiritual & healing path since 1989. Reiki is the tool that has helped me most in all that time. It works by raising our vibration, which no amount of studying alone can do.
So yes, I would say you would benefit from a teacher. To practice Reiki (rather than other healing modalities,) you require the attunement as well as the teachings. This cannot be received from a book, nor effectively from a teacher at a distance.
I would suggest that you start with attending a Reiki I class and see how you get on with that before making further plans. Once you have the Reiki energy to use, it will guide you in the path of your highest potential. If you are guided to continue and work with clients, then you can attend the Reiki II class.
Q: I am considering the possibility of working at a Complementary Health Clinic, as the new house does not have room for me to work in at present. Can you fill me in generally on how they work etc.
A: There are advantages and disadvantages to clinics.
It is nice to work with others and great to have reception. It can be helpful when starting out to have your time sessions more formalized, so clients don’t expect you to see them all through the week, and they tend to be more aware of time in clinics, understanding that you are likely to have someone else waiting at the end of their session.
This can be more difficult when you work from home. The money side is a bit easier to handle also, as your receptionist can deal with that – freeing you to focus on the work. You don’t have to keep your own diary and therefore be available to speak on the phone all the time. You are also likely to pick up more new clients than you would working by yourself. You can keep your own energy good by doing swops with the other practitioners.
The cost – it can be expensive especially in the beginning when you are building up your practice. Most clinics charge a day rate payable monthly and have at least a 6 month contract. It can be a hassle carrying all your equipment around and it can be noisy depending on where you are and who you work beside. There is also less flexibility in when you can see clients.
Q: I’m after some advice if you don’t mind, I’ve decided to go part time at work and try and set up a Reiki practice but I don’t want to work from home as it’s too small a flat and I want to keep there just for me. I’m happy to travel to peoples homes but do you think that folk would be happy for me to do that? I’m also looking at maybe renting somewhere one day a week, what do you think?
Congratulations re your decision to go part time and set up a practice. Seeing people in their own homes could work well– I do think people would like it, but it can be hard working in other people’s spaces, not least the barking dogs, noisy neighbours and ceaseless phones, but also the energy can be dense. However you can take your cleansing sprays and make sure all phones are off and pets and children’s immediate needs catered for, it just takes a bit more time to get organised and set up. You will need to allow more time for travelling, set up and clear up time – generally at best you will see half the number of clients in the same time as you would at a clinic. On the plus side you are your own boss, out in the fresh air between clients and you have no expenses other than travel, which you can charge for. You need a good back for carrying all your equipment around, you will often have to carry your couch upstairs and possibly have to negotiate it around tight corners and small spaces.
There could also be a need for someone doing home visits for people who are unable to travel to clinics for various reasons. In you are seeing people who are old, ill or infirm you will need to adapt your treatment to suit and also use hand positions for seated or bedded clients.
I would suggest you contact all therapy centres, clinics etc. and give them your cards/details asking them to pass them on to anyone requiring a home visit.
Finding a room is probably an easier option, however it is going to be more expensive and you won’t be getting out and about! The best places to try are existing therapy centres with an established client base. Other people have tried hiring a room at a hairdressers or beauty parlour. That tends to be a bit cheaper and can work well IF they help to promote you. You could look about and see what is close to you – is there anywhere you would really like to work? Whatever you decide you will need to spend time and money promoting yourself until you get well known.
Q: After I have completed a class is there any ongoing support?
A: Yes, I am always happy to answer any questions that arise to help you with your practice. There is also a support group, both in Aberdeen plus at Avalon. They are not as frequent as they used to be, but in between just contact me with any questions. Dates are on the Reiki Support Group page.
Q: Can I access funding in order to pay for courses?
A: If funding is an issue you might consider approaching you local enterprise board or local Community Development Agency for advice. See also the course funding page on this site.
Past students have been funded via Job Centre Plus and by employers for career development purposes. Funding by employers has included Scottish Water and Aberdeen Foyer.
Q: If I have taken classes with a different Reiki Master can I still enrol with you?
A: Certainly. Many people do, in fact a lot of people have repeated their training with me. Just pop a photocopy of your previous Reiki certificate in with your booking form.
Q: Is all training the same?
A: Only in as much as all people are the same 🙂 There are all kinds of training available, to be honest.
There are very many excellent and committed Masters & practitioners, but there are also people who have just read books and think that they can then practice (without having received the appropriate attunements.) Others learn “by distance” on the internet. Unfortunately they can then then go on to teach others.
There are also Masters who teach all 3 levels at once. Reiki will do no harm, it will not take our system beyond what is appropriate – you cannot go up 3 “gears” at once, so your system will only increases its vibration at the same equivalent level of what you would get from a good Reiki I attunement. You will benefit much more by allowing your energy system to assimilate each level change fully before moving on.
Q: Can Reiki be used for stress?
A: It is an extremely effective tool for total relaxation, stress release and stress management. It also greatly helps us come to terms with and cope with deep emotional distress from past trauma or bereavement. You can either get some sessions or consider learning Reiki yourself, so you can give yourself it as often as possible.