Life Changing Journeys of Self Discovery & Empowerment
The Goddess weekends are lots of fun and very grounded, but we also touch stars and ignite fires! Open to everyone, no age limits or pre conditions … Other than being female 🙂 Come as you are, be yourself. Who you are right now is good enough. Wear jeans, ball gown and 4″ heels or a onesie and slippers. This is about being comfortable in your own skin. And learning to love, value and appreciate that skin. And the collection of perfect imperfections, the smorgasbord of complex, conflicting emotions, beliefs, experiences, hopes, dreams and expectations inside. Its about seeing where our judgement comes from, so we can softly, gently, deliberately, consciously step beyond them and fly free. Its about enlightenment.
The Goddess II weekend deepens and expands the empowerment and potential. The Priestess is a deep embodying of the work, including Shamanic, ancient Tantric, and modern energetic and spiritual teachings, tools and techniques of ancient and modern feminine empowerment and alignment with the Divine Feminine.
“Hi to the beautiful Elizabeth :0) I couldn’t find reviews on your page to add 5 stars, so I will just post here. I attended the Goddess weekend in September and came away with even more Goddess empowerment and love to share. Elizabeth was welcoming right from the start as we had never met before (and all the others knew her), I felt at home straight away…..and the other goddess’s on the course – well what can I say, they are beautiful women and I fell in love with all of them over the course of the weekend…..each had been down their own path, and the trust and new friendships between us was magical. It was great to meet the night before, this meant we really got stuck into the course on the Saturday. The course itself was gentle and strong, a great flow to the weekend, and was not forced along to keep to any timeline….. so relaxed. I had done transformational and goddess work before and still managed to learn and take a lot away from the course. So step into your goddess light, shine bright and don’t let what society make you think any less of yourself……….Here’s to us XxX 🙂 ” ER
Reclaiming your Power
Are you ready to reclaim & activate your Cauldron of Creative Potential, the incubator of life that gives birth to new stories? To realign with Goddess energy, embody the Divine Feminine and anchor deep in the Earth Mother? Are you ready to reconnect with the power of nature, inside and out? To step into your full power, reclaiming your body, true essence and full potential? Reconnecting in new ways with our bodies and our potential allows us to see where we are withholding love, and gently move us to a place where we can begin to more fully and authentically walk in love – embodying self love, self respect and acknowledging our self worth, honouring our selves, our past – all aspects of our selves and clearing what no longer serves and has been weighing us down. So we fly. In learning to truly love and accept ourselves, we automatically become kinder and more open hearted to others. Counter to what some expect, many people have found the Goddess work very beneficial for personal relationships.
Healing the Past
Are you ready to heal on deeper levels in order to claim who you truly are, in full? Claiming our power and potential as whole and complete womb-men. Reclaiming & connecting to our bodies, becoming attentive to their messages, appreciating the wisdom inherent within. Reclaiming the pleasure principle and our right to happiness, reclaiming our minds from subconscious beliefs, expectations and judgements we have absorbed from our society, culture, families and peer groups, reclaim our full emotional power, our enhanced energetic blueprint and our true essence.
Clearing & Healing Techniques
Our approach will be multi faceted, working with body, breath, energy, visualisation and Karmic clearance to heal on all levels.
We will use specific techniques to free ourselves from limiting beliefs, karma and conditioning that disempowers us as women. We will also begin the journey to free our bodies and cellular memories from all encounters of the past, which are retained in the womb and continue to affect us on subtle and everyday levels, as the womb holds the cellular memory & information of all our past intimate encounters. Unless consciously cleared, the womb holds the energy of everyone we have had sexual contact with as well as all surgical procedures, (and emotions around them,) pregnancies & births. Clearing any birth trauma can also have a resonant positive effect on the child.
Explore & Connect to Goddess Energy and the Divine Feminine
Working with the Goddess energies, we will develop a whole new network of support, gifting us qualities and attributes to further our dreams and our awakening. Working with the Divine Feminine we enhance our source connection and dance more fully with Life and our paths, opening to the power beyond vulnerability, creativity, wisdom, nurturing, positive use of power, caring, all encompassing love, not only for ourselves, but also bringing forth these qualities for all of humanity and the planet at this critical time.
Learning to love ourselves and therefore increase our ability to accept love from others, to therefore feel more loved & loveable, appreciating & valuing our uniqueness of body as well as spirit, path and experience. Learning to love ourselves is a fundamental & key step on the spiritual path. We cannot be one with all that is if we cannot be one with our own body and all its functions.
It is impossible to love ourselves fully when we hold the belief that a part of us in ‘bad,’ ‘ugly’ or unacceptable in some way. We will therefore awaken & reclaim our sensuality & sexuality for ourselves. Not for others, not for society – but for ourselves, for the earth, for humanity, in order to claim our wholeness and completeness. We will free ourselves from limiting beliefs, karma and conditioning that dis-empowers us as women and therefore as fully functioning physical, mental, emotional, sexual, energetic & spiritual beings.
The body is the vehicle of the spirit. It is beautiful, it is perfect, it is spiritualised form – not just some of it – all of it! We can be heart based, kind, compassionate, loving beings. But without full integration and transmutation of all karmic, ancestral, societal, cultural and familial, negative, limiting and blocking beliefs & influences, thought forms, implants and conditioning, we will never power up to the next level. For that takes a degree of inner freedom, wholeness and integrity not possible while we are still shut off from our own bodies through other’s control. Imagine, for a moment, the open, loving, fully functioning heart chakra, fuelled by the fully functioning powerbase of the womb! We reclaim our power. (It’s not a problem if you have had surgery, e.g. hysterectomy, as we work with the energy of the womb – as the etheric blueprint is still present and active.)
When we claim back our power, individually and collectively, we will shepherd in a new age of a sharing, caring, nurturing society, based on values of the heart and fuelled by our full creative power. Elizabeth Harley
Date/Time Event 21/06/2025 - 22/06/2025
All DayAwakening the Goddess
2 Keith Road, Burghead, Elgin Moray
Please feel free to get in touch with me by email or phone 01343 209616 if you have any questions or concerns.