Reiki I (First Degree or Shoden)

Reiki I, the Foundation LevelBali 3

This 2 day course is based on the attunement which opens you up to the Reiki energy.

Once this pathway is established you are able to channel Reiki for the rest of your life using the energy for growth, self development and healing for yourself, your family and your friends.

Once you have been attuned, Reiki will flow through your hands whenever you touch with the intention of healing or helping. Once you have received the first degree attunements, you will have this ability for life. Reiki can safely be used in combination with orthodox medical care and other complementary therapies.

Reiki combines well with many alternative therapies, including Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Counselling and will increase their effectiveness and decrease the time required to see positive change. Sometimes people find that with regular Reiki treatments their dependence on medication may be reduced. For example someone on Thyroxine may find that the thyroid gland is kick started by the Reiki, therefore for a time they could have symptoms of excess thyroid production until the medication is adjusted appropriately.

It is therefore recommended to advise people on thyroid or diabetic medication of this possibility so they can be prepared to contact their GP if necessary. It may even be appropriate to let their doctor know beforehand that they are receiving Reiki if they are on Thyroxine or diabetic medication.

*Alternative option: Online with individual distance attunement, small group Zoom sessions, (usually 3 sessions,)  with manual, 3 videos and ongoing support. Optional in-person attunement at no extra cost when that is possible. Book here and get in touch to arrange your sessions. 

Date/Time Event
05/04/2025 - 06/04/2025
All Day
Reiki I (Shoden)
2 Keith Road, Burghead, Elgin Moray
26/07/2025 - 27/07/2025
All Day
Reiki I (Shoden)
2 Keith Road, Burghead, Elgin Moray

You can use Reiki for:Feb 09 021

  • Yourself
  • Other people (adults and children) who are injured, ill or  stressed  or well and want to  change or grow.
  • Babies, including in the womb
  • Seeds, pre germination
  • Water for drinking, watering plants or bathing
  • Food
  • Situations, pro
  • Animals, birds, plants and trees.
  • Problems, empowering goals

Use your imagination and experiment!

The Reiki I course covers the following:

  • Meditation and attunement.
  • The History of Reiki.
  • The effects, uses and contraindications to Reiki.
  • Ways of using Reiki energy.
  • The Reiki Principles – a stress reduction kit.
  • The effects of attunement and cleansing period.
  • Self practice.
  • Working on others.
  • Keeping you energy’s clear.
  • The Usui and Hayashi  hand positions.

Practical sessions include:

  • How to sense the flow of energy.
  • How to know when to move on.
  • Posture.

Each student receives:

  • A Reiki Manual.
  • The 1st Degree Reiki Certificate.
  • An invitation to attend the Reiki Support Group.

Despite having the ability to change your life, the Reiki I course is very relaxing and enjoyable. It usually passes far too quickly!

Student Feedback

”Reiki is indeed wonderful. It is making a huge difference to my life – every day I feel a little stronger – more alive.yet more at peace.  Thank you for everything – for the course, for sharing your lovely home (such a peaceful atmosphere) and food.- not forgetting your four legged friends.  (Say hi to Benji, Boris and the little cat that hid upstairs.)  Thank you for your patience, your great humour and the good advice not only about Reiki but about life – I create the “bell jar” each day to help me deal with my negative work place.” – Fiona

“Thank you so much for a fantastic and informative weekend, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  You truly are a loving & giving person and such an inspiration to everyone.  The course content was all I hoped it would be and more, and I am honoured to be part of your lineage.  I look forward to joining your Reiki II course in May.” – LJ

“I’m now addicted to Reiki and love it, as much as it’s a pleasure to receive, I also gain so much from giving it to others. The feedback I’ve received has been great and I’ve managed to convert a few sceptics, who are now ranting and raving about how its helped them: Insomniacs, irritable bowel and a few with general aches and pains! Roll on level two. I’ve also found that Reiki has kept me very level headed and calm and I’m now approaching life from a slightly different angle. This morning began with quite a bit of stress. I asked for help from the angels above and Reiki felt far stronger. I tingled all the way from my toes to head, I could see the most magnificent turquoise blue and lime green glowing colours when I closed my eyes and felt instant comfort. As a result my day has been great. In the past I would have ended up in a bad mood and a frozen shoulder.”  – Donna

“I had a real breakthrough, light bulb moment last weekend when I finally understood life. I know this is quite a statement. I can hardly put it into words – it is enough to say I am really happy and at peace and very excited about my life. Many thanks again for helping me along my path to a happier life.  Reiki is truly wonderful!” – F.T.
