My spiritual name is Meramma Naia.
I have been consciously on my path since a defining moment in 1979. I began studying meditation, healing, nutrition, angels, aromatherapy, ascension, the metamorphic technique, and various complementary therapies.
Discovering Reiki in 2005, it became the foundation of my life when I did my Reiki I with Jeanette Robertson, a traditional Master from Australia. I just loved Reiki and a year or so later I took my Reiki Mastership with Laurelle Gaia from the William Rand Centre for Reiki Training in the United States in 1996, my Karuna Reiki® Masters in 1997 (and again in 1998) and became a Reiki Grand Master in India in 2001. I have also studied with and received attunements from many other Masters worldwide including teachers of traditional Reiki and Masters from the direct Japanese lineage.
Teaching Reiki around the world
I’ve been principal of the Reiki Training Centre and taught Aromatherapy, Reiki & stress management in the public & private sector for over 20 years. I have been fortunate to teach & perform Reiki and attunements in many places around the UK, in Europe, America, Africa, Egypt, Hawaii, Indonesia, India, Peru, Mexico, Tibet and Nepal.
I’m a UK Reiki Federation Master Teacher, an ICRT registered Karuna Reiki® Master, an Ascension therapist with the UOL and a 5 Tibetan Yogas teacher from the direct Tibetan Buddhist lineage of Za Choeje Rinpoche, through Dekyi Lee, whose teachers include His Holiness the Dalai Lama and a Master Teacher in Angels, Ascension and Lemurian Healing for the Diana Cooper Foundation. My Reiki and Metamorphic courses have been independently accredited by IPTI.
I now run Avalon Retreat Centre in Roseisle, on the slopes of Dragon Hill, just minutes from the sea and the Findhorn community. I have a close connection with nature and a love & respect for all my fellow earth inhabitants and our beautiful planet. My small boat enables me to spend time with the resident population of over 200 dolphins on the Moray Firth. I have swum with dolphins & humpback whales around the world, appearing briefly in the BBC documentary, ‘Ocean Giants’ after being spotted hugging a wild Gray whales in Baja, Mexico in 2010.
I use renewable heat, recycled, biodegradeable and cruelty free products and attempt to live as lightly on the earth as possible.
I intend all my workshops to be inspirational & transformative and a doorway to revealing and realising the highest potential within us all. They are designed to be empowering, to promote confidence in ourselves and guidance and confidence in our unique paths and to stimulate spiritual & personal growth on the journey to healing & wholeness, to health & happiness. My teaching style combines deep healing with lightness, gentleness, humour & fun. Definitely fun – Dancing Thunder, (one of my valued teachers) says that his people, (The Susquehannock Tribe of North America,) value 3 qualities in humans the most – Compassion, Creativity and Humour. Humour is the lubricant of life.
Courses offered are all levels of Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Metamorphic Technique, The 5 Tibetans, Crystal Healing, Animal Communication and the fabulous and life changing Goddess workshops. When I can fit them in I also love teaching Angels, Meditation, Lemurian Healing, Ascension, Sound Healing and Happiness workshops.
Peace jewellery
In 2003 I designed and produced the Peacechain and the Peace Jewellery as my commitment to inner & world peace, non-judgement and interfaith tolerance and respect. See the shop page for the story of the Peacechain. Although I will no longer be producing the full range, my commitment to inner and outer peace remains strong.