Reiki Masters/Teacher Course

masters-millwood-web-sizeShinpiden or Reiki Master/Teacher Level III

This intensive 3 day training includes everything you need for your own spiritual & energetic development as a Reiki Master and the skills, knowledge and abilities to teach others to the same level.

Traditional Japanese techniques as taught in Mikao Usui’s association and from Dr Hyashi:

  • The Gokkai, Hatsurei Ho Reiki Meditation, Reiki Okuri & Reiki Mawashi
  • Practicing and receiving Reiju Empowerments
  • Healing with the eyes, healing with the breath, focused healing
  • Kekko – the Jikiden (Dr. Hayashi) Reiki massage

You will receive the:

  • Reiki Master/Teacher Attunement
  • Attunement symbols and additional symbols

Learn how to:

  • Passing attunements: the Reiki I Attunement.
  • The Reiki II, Advanced and Master/Teacher Attunements
  • Passing Healing Attunements, (this may be given as an intensive healing, as it does not confer healing ability.)

Theory & discussion:

  • Teaching module: being a good teacher, teaching guidelines, how and what to teach.
  • Throughout, as time allows we will have discussion, feedback, sharing and circle work.

*Alternative option: Online with individual distance attunement,  Zoom sessions, with manual,  videos and ongoing support. Optional in-person attunement at no extra cost when that is possible. Book here and get in touch to arrange your sessions. 

Next Courses:

Date/Time Event
25/04/2025 - 27/04/2025
All Day
Reiki Master/Teacher Course
2 Keith Road, Burghead, Elgin Moray

Student Feedback on the Reiki Masters Course

“Since completing the Masters, 3 separate people have commented to me that I am looking much younger Way Hay!  In fact 2 of them even said I am looking better now than I did 20 years ago!  So thank you Elizabeth, who needs Botox when we have you!” Jenny

“Since doing my Reiki Masters I’ve been amazed at the number of times people have commented on how well I’m looking. I’ve never felt as well for many years ! It must be the attunement.” Lynda
In love, light, peace and joy Elizabeth
