Date(s) - 10/04/2020 - 12/04/2020
All Day
This weekend will be lots of fun and very grounded, but we will also touch stars and ignite fires!
Begins at 7pm-9pm Friday evening, then 10.30am-5.30pm Sat & Sunday
Are you ready to reclaim & activate your Cauldron of Creative Potential, the incubator of life that gives birth to new stories? To realign with Goddess energy, to support the rise of the Divine Feminine and anchor deep in the Earth Mother? Are you ready to reconnect with the power of nature, inside and out? To step into your full power as womb-man, reclaiming your body, true essence and potential?
Are you ready to heal on deeper levels in order to claim who we truly are, in full?
Claiming our power and potential as whole and complete woman. Reclaiming & connecting to our bodies, becoming attentive to their messages, appreciating the wisdom inherent within, reclaiming our minds from subconscious beliefs, expectations and judgements we have absorbed from our society, culture, families and pier groups, reclaim our full emotional power, our enhanced energetic blueprint and our true essence.
We will use specific techniques to free ourselves from limiting beliefs, karma and conditioning that disempowers us as women.
We will also begin the journey to free our bodies and cellular memories from all encounters of the past, which are retained in the womb and continue to affect us on subtle and everyday levels, as the womb holds the cellular memory & information of all our past intimate encounters. Unless consciously cleared, the womb holds the energy of everyone we have had sexual contact with as well as all surgical procedures, (and emotions around them,) pregnancies & births. Clearing any birth trauma can also have a resonant positive effect on the child.
Our approach will be multi faceted, working with body, breath, energy, sound, visualisation and ancestral & karmic clearing to heal on all levels.
We will explore & Connect to Goddess Energy and the Divine Feminine.
And more …
Bookings are closed for this event.